Tax and Bookkeeping
Individual Tax Preparation
Preparing your own income tax return can be a task that leaves you with more questions than answers. Allow us to advise you and help you maximize your tax refund. Our tax experience can take you through the steps of crunching the numbers, filling out your tax information, and the filing process. Our prices start at $80.
Corporate or Business Tax Services
A corporation is a separate entity from its owners (shareholders). As a separate entity, the corporation’s owners do not pay the taxes for the corporation. A corporation pays income tax by filing a corporate tax return on Form 1120 and paying the taxes as indicated by this return.
Corporate income taxes are paid at the corporate income tax rate, not the personal tax rate. We can assist with opening a company, closing a company, non-profit, payroll, accounting, business coaching, sales taxes, and overall management of your needs as a corporation. Call us for a free quote or consultation to advise what will be your best tax return for better filing.
You can always depend on our professional bookkeeping and Payroll services. Royal Tax Services will provide you with a wide range of Bookkeeping and payroll for your small and/or large business. Call us today for a free consultation. Our fees are very affordable.
ITIN: Identification Tax ID number
ITIN NUMBER is a special number that the IRS provides to individuals without a social security number in order to file their individual tax return. This has to be renewed every year. Call us today to help you. If you came to the United States legally or illegally, we can assist you with filing your ITIN Application. It works just like a social security card. You can declare income and the government will allow you to pay taxes.